Ballet Institute, Drechsler Palace
Etele Plaza
IC Hotel
Just a few minutes' drive from the capital, next to the M0-M1-M7 motorways, this "city in the city" complex is ideally located at a transport hub. The project, abandoned by the previous developer, has been further developed by the Lavinamix Group. The building façades...
Budapest One I. phase
The first phase of the Budapest One office park has been realised by the Pedrano Group. The building is located in one of Hungary's largest transport hubs, in Őrmező, at the junction of metro line 4, Kelenföld railway station and the incoming section of the M1-M7...
Contact us!
Head office
H-2040 Budaörs, Budapesti u. 28.
Managing Directors
László Apkó - phone: +36 30 956 1371
Endre Schindler - phone: +36 30 670 9555
Head of Design
Zoltán Högyes - phone: +36 20 576 8673
Zoltán Högyes - phone: +36 20 576 8673
Head of the Manufacturing Plant
Kristóf Kakuk - phone: +36 30 700 6857